Hi all, i am not the one who mentioned buspar but i take a small dose of clonazepam(it's like ativan but lasts longer) before bed. i take it around 7 pm and it really helps alot. not only does it help me rest, but as ever hopeful mentioned, it helps that terrible cycle of anxiety that is really worse for the adrenals in the long run than the medication itself. i also agree with her about staying away from antidepressants. Especially paxil, it is awful. my sister had a hard time with getting off it. when i firat became really sick and was having panic attacks and nothing could touch them until i found ativan. It saved my life, i went weeks without sleeping until i began taking a small dose of it, and later switched to clonazepam. i would not think any of these would be ok to take while pregnant, but I am so sorry as i know how awful the anxiety can get. it is really the LBS causing it, at least it was for me. Also food allergies were causing me alot of anxiety and depression, and i did not realize it it until i had them tested. staying away from corn helped me soooo much. it was crazy! Now if i eat anything with cornstarch i get nuts. leslie