citrus issues/adrenal
I've had recent issues with citrus. If I have anything with
it in it I itch really bad.
This includes bioflavinoids and ascorbic acids and most Vitamin C's.
I found at this site ( the following about citrus and adrenal issues:
Another common allergy is the “Citrus Allergy.” Oranges, lemons, grapefruit, tangerines, cantaloupe, tomatoes, and pineapple can be very allergenic when Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B-5) is deficient. Stress or trauma will cause the Adrenal Glands to burn up a great deal of Pantothenic Acid, which frequently results in the “Citrus Allergy.” This can occur with mental and emotional stress. The mineral antidote for the “Citrus Allergy” is Calcium, and the amino acid is Serine.
Allergies to the “Nightshades,” such as potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant and tobacco, can often cause
Arthritis or aggravate existing arthritis. Many nutritionists believe that the way to correct the allergies is to have the person eliminate these foods from the diet. The awareness that these foods can be antagonistic is good, but the theory of diet elimination is not completely sound.
An allergy to peppers is caused by a deficiency in Niacinamide/Niacin, and an allergy to tomatoes (and citrus fruits) is generally caused by a deficiency in Pantothenic Acid. One of the best sources of these two vitamins is “Royal Jelly” which contains 500 mg. Of Pantothenic Acid and 500 mg. Of Niacinamide in one 100 mg. capsule. It is a very good source of these nutrients because it is natural and easily absorbed. The mineral antidote for “Pepper Allergy” is Phosphorus and amino acid L’Glutamine.
Anyone else have this problem?
I think this is why I have not been able to self treat so well, I was eating tomatoes and all kinds of citrus - I'm in Florida.