I went through this a few years ago. What you need is full spectrum light. Light from the sun is the best but full spectrum fluorescent will also do. When I sit at my computer, I shine an 18", 15w, 5000K full spectrum lamp in my eyes from behind the keyboard (12"). When I watch TV in a reclined position, I rest the lamp on chest and shine it in my eyes from 8". I get a total of about 6 hours of this light. Also stop wearing sun glasses and try to get outside in the sun light more. You should notice a benefit within a week. My understanding of how this works is that high cortisol levels are toxic to the brain (among other organs). Your endocrine system uses the amount of light received through the eyes to determine how much cortisol to release, but it has got to be full spectrum light. If you don't get enough light you produce toxic levels of cortisol.