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Re: Major anxiety, panic, fatigue- Quick relief???????
surferchyna Views: 2,192
Published: 11 y
This is a reply to # 555,705

Re: Major anxiety, panic, fatigue- Quick relief???????

You have to keep your system clean. I used to do colonics and take lots of laxatives….I felt great. Now I didn't do it for a long time! I felt severe emotional stress on top of that my body was so sick like the flu. When everything was finally released I felt exhausted but 100 times better. I was alays used to eating very very clean, then I tried new foods and wine and then the emotional distress and it was freezing and i felt exhausted. It took a long time before I realised I had all this "stuff" in my body.toxins!! It's a shock to your body. So I try to put the nutrients back into my body and I am feeling so much better. Releasing everything and getting it all out of me changed everything and then I slept. Now I can clearly start to focus on what needs to be done. Clean your body out and eat healthy foods! That would help you so much.


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