I've had good success with Isocort and I think it's very safe. They (the makers) say that a person shouldn't take more than 8 tablets per day (spread out during the day) because otherwise your adrenals will down-regulate and produce less cortisol. Personally, I doubt it. I've been on Cortef..... and with THAT, you definitely have to be VERY careful about down-regulated adrenals and then stopping all of a sudden. With Isocort, I doubt that it is strong enough to produce the same effect. But, I DO think it's a good product and can be very helpful. I don't think you would have any problems with taking it. If you know when your cortisol levels are low, take more then. A good rule of thumb is to take more early in the day and less as the day goes on. I divide it up in different ways. Sometimes..... 4 in the morning..... 2 around noon.... 2 late afternoon. Or sometimes.... 2 and 2 and 2 and 2 throughout the day.... whatever seems to work for you. I don't go over 8 a day (although, like I said, I doubt that it would be a problem if you did). A tip..... CHEW THEM. They don't taste great.... but seeing as though they are these really hard tiny tablets, I would think it would be very hard for your body to break them down and use them without chewing them first. Just my opinion.