Thanks for the advice. I am already taking a woman's multi 3x/day that gives me 800cmg of folic acid /day. I have a bottle of fish oil gel caps but the bottle says consult your physicain if preg. or breastfeeding, so I'll hold off on that until I talk to my dr. thurs. What is in pumpkin seeds that is good for sperm? I'll tell my husband to eat them if he gets a chance, but he is a scientist and always need a good explination. Of course if I just buy them and leave them out when he gets back he'll eat them anyway! As far as fruits and veggies go, I've been doing pretty good but could do better. I love fruit and could eat it all day but hold back some because of mild candida. I like vegetables too, but don't always get enough in every day. I will work on that.
I'll check out "The Childbearing years" at amazon when I'm done here. I also just ordered "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" by Toni Weschler. Tons of web sites reccomend it and it got excellent reviews. I'm going to start charting my basal body temperatures next cycle too.