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Planning pregnancy!
Saguara Views: 1,431
Published: 19 y

Planning pregnancy!

This board has been pretty quiet for a while. Is everyone away for the 4th of July weekend? Well, I hope everyone is having a good time and will be back and posting again soon!

You may remember my post from a few weeks ago about deciding when to get pregnant: waiting to finish school or not. I just thought I'd update you all (mostly because I'm dying to talk about it and there is no one to talk about it with) I hope that my post is appropriate for this board, seeing as how I'm not even pregnant yet (I don't think--but my period isn't due for another 5 days or so and we did have sex without a condom once this month). I apologize if I'm posting on the wrong board, but I hoped it would be ok as I am sure that many of you can relate to my situation.

My husband and I have talked a lot now and we both want to start trying! I am so happy(!) but so impatient at the same time. He is traveling for work right now and won’t be back until the end of July, so we can't really start trying for another month. He also has no internet connection and limited Cell Phone signal where he is so we can't even talk much. I am going crazy not being able to talk with him or anyone about this! We don't want to tell our families yet because it is too soon. I might have to crack and start talking to our roommate about it, but I don't know if I want to because I've only known her for a month or so. She might have figured it out already just from living with us anyway.

Also, I have an appointment next week at a woman's health and birthing center near me (and it seems like our insurance is going to accept it as long as one of the doctors is the main person I see and delivers the baby). Based on this center's webpage, I think it is going to be a great place for me with Drs. and midwives and options for water births and doulas. The receptionist I talked with was also very comfortable to speak with.

Any ideas on how to stay sane during the next 3 1/2 weeks while I wait for my husband to get home? I miss him so much! I can't wait for him to get home so we can start doing the baby dance! Hopefully it won't take long for me to get pregnant and I can join in on future threads.

Thanks for "listening" or reading I should say. Any comments, suggestions, etc. would be great!




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