I don't know how I would know if there was damage done, you know, how would I convince my doctor to check into it and what would that entail I wonder. He still has watery eyes (although I can say not as much); the one still gets goopey and he rubs his nose a lot, as if it's itchy. Just last night he started making a different sound when nursing (swallowing). Maybe I should ask for a referral to a ear, nose and throat specialist. I am hesitant to do that because I don't want to unnecessarily subject my son to invasive tests or anything. To answer your questions, no there is no history of allergies and I do eat a pretty good diet. My son is not vaccinated. I did happen to find a product by Gentle Naturals called Tummy Soother that has helped him tremendously. He doesn't spit up anymore and doesn't wake up screaming. Now I'm just battling the teething which unfortunately I've had to give him tylenol and motrin for it. But he needs it, it helps him sleep. I read on one website about how blocked tear ducts can be caused by chronic nose infections and I wonder if that could be it since he rubs his nose a lot. Do you think using saline could have disrupted the mucosa at all, like make it more suscepible to infection? When he was 2.5 months old he got some congestion that lasted about 2-3 weeks and I used saline and suctioned his nose everyday. I can't remember when he started rubbing his nose though. Oh it's so hard to figure out!!!