Another doctor visit.........
....that was a waste of my time!! My son had his 6 month checkup today (well, he'll be 7 months this Friday) but we switched pediatricians again. I took a long list of concerns with me and I just don't feel anything was addressed satisfactorily. In fact, I feel like everything was brushed over and got the same response.....either "it's normal" or "it may be normal for him" or "he'll grow out of it." I really truly think my son has reflux. I've been reading a bunch online the last couple days and he has so many symptoms. Of course many symptoms could be related to other things as well but I know in my gut something is just not right. The pediatrician didn't prescribe any meds but said to give him a tsp. of mylanta or mayllox (sp?) to see if it helps but he didn't seem to think my son's symptoms were troublesome because he is growing well and looks great. All he said was increase his feedings, that he should only be eating about 4 times per day and he gave me a handout on sleeping. I'm really frustrated because I'm no wiser now then before I went which just confirms why I'm always reading here on curezone and trying to figure things out myself! I'm not going to give him mylanta or mayllox but I did buy a product by Gentle Naturals called Tummy Soother that has chamomile, ginger and fennel in it. I asked the pharmacist and he agreed with me. I'm also going to cut a lot of things out of my diet because I think that may be part of the problem. Here are some of my son's symptoms:
fusses after eating, arches back and pushes away
stops fussing when I pick him up
wet burps that occur more than an hour after eating
used to spit up often but now swallows it, is still "spitting up" a lot
sometimes chokes while eating and aspirates (last night it came out his nose which has happened a couple times)
explosive poops which tend to be watery with mucous
wakes up frequently with crying spells
loses breath often with loud gulpy swallowing
used to get hiccups frequently
I'm really concerned about him losing his breath which he has always had. He had meconium when he was born and they suctioned him before he was fully delivered then a little more once he was delivered. Do you think they could have damaged his esophagus or trachea? I don't know how far they stick the tube down but they certainly aren't gentle with babies. Also I've read about the vegas nerve being pinched which can cause reflux. Maybe I should take him to a chiropractor? I've been doing some reflexology (massaging) his feet everyday to help whatever may be out of balance. Am I out of my mind or do you all think there's more going on then it's normal???! Please help!!