Re: Kerry is a traitor
Kerry should have done a lot more, and made us wait for a bit longer before 'declaring defeat'. He is clearly a traitor, a planted opponent to Bush. He will get his payoff over time, in some way, maybe a future president.But he clearly had no intention of winning this one. he could have said so many things, he should have asked the real pointed questions in those debates, but did not do it.
The idea of "we have to support our leader in times of war" has been riden to death. It is just a cliche now, meaningless without an election result that is clear. A copout. Kerry is a traitor.
The Greens are having to pick up the ball now, by raising that money for a re-count in Ohio. Kerry had the same option and plenty of cash on hand ($15 million in unspent campaign funds)There is no law against making a concession speech and getting a recount.
More electoral manipulations this time than last mean Bush didn't use his time in office to legitimise the election process, but instead has clung to the system that allows for manipulations. That is evidence enough. Sure, he was busy with a war on Iraq, but still had lots of time for campaigning and golfing and chopping firewood. The first term was all about getting a second term, but he has to take the army our for a trest drive inc ase something went wrong and didnt get in again. This army is the greatest the world has ever seen, and its a shame to let it sit in the driveway unused. Besides, he promised his oil freinds that he would get them into Iraq for cheap oil -free as loing as the war is on, without even paying royalties to Iraq - that they can sell at the highest prices the world has ever seen, prices Bush created by fanagling with storage and by burning it up going to Iraq.
PS - Global warming took a steep rise with that war on iraq. A browner sky was seen worldwide, its a huge amount. This, at the same time as more record severe weather occured, and Florida's own hurricane seasons was the worst ever, of course there is a link.
Its too late now to do anything other than reduce the severity of it, and that can only be done by buring less oil. We burned more. Way more. So we must conclude it is on purpose to create global warming and thusly create the conditions that allow only the elites to survive. I really believe that. All the do is for that goal now.