A Message for Bush/Kerry (Cheney) 2004
I have not voted for a Democrat for President since Carter. I sure wish Carter was on the ballot. I voted for Kerry because I fear a lame duck President may draw America into a huge expanded war but Kerry was only more of the same and hardly an improvement on Bush. Kerry would have needed to wait a while to build consensus first though so at least it might have delayed the inevitable. Try to answer this post after reading the whole thing without personal attack Bush? CHeney 2004. I really want to know what you are thinking.
As long as the Southern Border of America is wide open then terrorists will always have easy access to America’s cities. The real threat is not from America in the eyes of the Federal Government but rather the American Government should fear the 55-57 million Americans who voted fro George Bush, when they figure out they have been lied to about everything.
Perceptions are a tricky thing. On the inside looking out, Iraq may have appeared to be a key part of the 9-11 attack but now we know this simply is not the case. So why are American men and women dying for a lie? The perceived realities of the world are usually not connected to the real truth. There may very well be several good reasons for the United States to have entered Iraq at the time it did but you can be certain that the real reasons will never be told to the Associated Press. There is a whole matrix of deception and maneuvering that allowed 9-11 to happen and Iraq was only a minor player, if a player at all, in terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center. The memory of the 3,000 Americans should be honored by at least recognizing that Saudi Arabia was home of most of the terrorists yet Saudi Arabia has been ignored for their part in the war on terror. Saudi is the heart of jihad and
Terrorism throughout the world but Saudi Arabia is among our allies. If France funded and supplied the terrorists that committed the 9-11 attacks and it were known, you can bet the USA would be demanding the blood of Frenchmen and the USA would demand that France give up its terrorist network. America would be preparing for a war with France…but France doesn’t have the largest oil reserves in the world. At least admit that 3,000+ Americans died because Saudi citizens and Saudi financiers planned and implemented the terrorist attacks of 9-11.
The Marines are in Iraq? Why? The answer is that the United States intelligence services and the Administration pulled a bait and switch… to steer the eyes of America away from Saudi. “Iraq has Weapons of Mass Destruction.” “Iraq is part of an evil alliance” Iraq has an evil leader and America must avenge its dead!!! Sadaam killed 300,000 of Iraq’s civilian population in 15 years and America has killed 100,000 civilians in 1 year. Is America really in Iraq to free the Iraqis? America poses the largest threat to world peace and world has changed its perception of America. Americans are no longer considered just loud overweight and rude tourists but today Americans are the considered murderers of innocent lives to the world and the future World Peace has never looked grimmer.
The American Government and its corporate sponsors duped the American People into believing Iraq is the heart of
Terrorism in the world and as long as Saudi Arabia keeps filling up tankers and sending them to the USA instead of China or other nation… Iraq, Iran, Syria, or Afghanistan will make the “News” but Saudi Arabia will never feel the scorn of America. Where is the righteous indignation of America toward Saudi Arabia? Americas next gun site will land on Iran. Iran scares me much more than Sadaam. If America starts a war with Iran, we may ignite a war with Russia. Now that could really happen but Iran looks like the next venue for America. With many missing nukes from the former USSR arsenal, I would not be surprised if a few nukes end up exploding in America’s cities if we go to war with Iran.
China is the other player that is terrifying U.S. intelligence services (me too) and if we attack North Korea, China will become a major player in the fallout of possible nuclear exchanges or all out war. Fight on two fronts, (Hitler and Napoleon made the same mistake. America will be vulnerable to attacks from its enemies yet we keep playing the oil game instead of creating alternative energy resources.
Congress is under the tight grip of Energy Corporations and as long as Oil and Energy Corporations dictate foreign policy, Americans will be sent to die for oil. The American people are way too reactionary to tell them the truth. Imagine if the 56 million Americans that voted for Bush were told the truth? What if the 57 million voters who voted for Kerry (subtract a few million from Diebold computer vote rigging and millions of African American and Hispanic votes that were thrown in the trash) were told there is not a nickel of difference between Bush’s Corporate (Read Fascist) Agenda and Kerry’s pro-war agenda. Americans might not only not vote for Bush or Kerry(The Corporate Democrat) but instead throw out the whole Congress in prison or gallows?. The next corporate thief on the list might not be a token “Martha Stewart but rather the CEO’s & officers of Fortune 500 Companies. When America does get wise, the army and swat teams will protect American Corporations just like they are doing in Iraq.
Just to show you that America is not really interested in stopping
Terrorism but fears its own people, look at how Congress knows the truth about Saudi Arabia while they pass the Patriot Act which is designed to dismantle the Constitution & Bill of Rights to arrest Americans without a warrant, refuse them an attorney, and lock them away without telling their families even where they are. Americans have been told a lie that Sadaam is the greatest threat to America but the “perceived realities of the world is usually not connected to the real truth.” America has never been is such a vulnerable position and if Americans do not wake up, they may end up being rounded up in the middle of the night by jack-booted thugs. No, this is not Nazi Germany in 1936 but rather this is the USA and in 2004. It is time to wake up before it is too late.
I have not voted for a Democrat for President since Carter. I sure wish Carter was on the ballot. I voted for Kerry because I fear a lame duck President may draw America into a huge expande war but Kerry was only more ofd the same. Kerry would have needed to wait a while to build consensus first though so at least it might have delayed the inevitable. Try to answer this post after reading the whole thing without personal attack Bush? CHeney 2004. I really want to know what you are thinking.
As long as the Southern Border of America is wide open then terrorists will always have easy access to America’s cities. The real threat is not from America in the eyes of the Federal Government but rather the American Government should fear the 55-57 million Americans who voted fro George Bush, when they figure out they have been lied to about everything.
Perceptions are a tricky thing. On the inside looking out, Iraq may have appeared to be a key part of the 9-11 attack but now we know this simply is not the case. So why are American men and women dying for a lie? The perceived realities of the world are usually not connected to the real truth. There may very well be several good reasons for the United States to have entered Iraq at the time it did but you can be certain that the real reasons will never be told to the Associated Press. There is a whole matrix of deception and maneuvering that allowed 9-11 to happen and Iraq was only a minor player, if a player at all, in terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center. The memory of the 3,000 Americans should be honored by at least recognizing that Saudi Arabia was home of most of the terrorists yet Saudi Arabia has been ignored for their part in the war on terror. Saudi is the heart of jihad and terrorism throughout the world but Saudi Arabia is among our allies. If France funded and supplied the terrorists that committed the 9-11 attacks and it were known, you can bet the USA would be demanding the blood of Frenchmen and the USA would demand that France give up its terrorist network. America would be preparing for a war with France…but France doesn’t have the largest oil reserves in the world. At least admit that 3,000+ Americans died because Saudi citizens and Saudi financiers planned and implemented the terrorist attacks of 9-11.
The Marines are in Iraq? Why? The answer is that the United States intelligence services and the Administration pulled a bait and switch… to steer the eyes of America away from Saudi. “Iraq has Weapons of Mass Destruction.” “Iraq is part of an evil alliance” Iraq has an evil leader and America must avenge its dead!!! Sadaam killed 300,000 of Iraq’s civilian population in 15 years and America has killed 100,000 civilians in 1 year. Is America really in Iraq to free the Iraqis? America poses the largest threat to world peace and world has changed its perception of America. Americans are no longer considered just loud overweight and rude tourists but today Americans are the considered murderers of innocent lives to the world and the future World Peace has never looked grimmer.
The American Government and its corporate sponsors duped the American People into believing Iraq is the heart of terrorism in the world and as long as Saudi Arabia keeps filling up tankers and sending them to the USA instead of China or other nation… Iraq, Iran, Syria, or Afghanistan will make the “News” but Saudi Arabia will never feel the scorn of America. Where is the righteous indignation of America toward Saudi Arabia? Americas next gun site will land on Iran. Iran scares me much more than Sadaam. If America starts a war with Iran, we may ignite a war with Russia. Now that could really happen but Iran looks like the next venue for America. With many missing nukes from the former USSR arsenal, I would not be surprised if a few nukes end up exploding in America’s cities if we go to war with Iran.
China is the other player that is terrifying U.S. intelligence services (me too) and if we attack North Korea, China will become a major player in the fallout of possible nuclear exchanges or all out war. Fight on two fronts, (Hitler and Napoleon made the same mistake. America will be vulnerable to attacks from its enemies yet we keep playing the oil game instead of creating alternative energy resources.
Congress is under the tight grip of Energy Corporations and as long as Oil and Energy Corporations dictate foreign policy, Americans will be sent to die for oil. The American people are way too reactionary to tell them the truth. Imagine if the 56 million Americans that voted for Bush were told the truth? What if the 57 million voters who voted for Kerry (subtract a few million from Diebold computer vote rigging and millions of African American and Hispanic votes that were thrown in the trash) were told there is not a nickel of difference between Bush’s Corporate (Read Fascist) Agenda and Kerry’s pro-war agenda. Americans might not only not vote for Bush or Kerry(The Corporate Democrat) but instead throw out the whole Congress in prison or gallows?. The next corporate thief on the list might not be a token “Martha Stewart but rather the CEO’s & officers of Fortune 500 Companies. When America does get wise, the army and swat teams will protect American Corporations just like they are doing in Iraq.
Just to show you that America is not really interested in stopping terrorism but fears its own people, look at how Congress knows the truth about Saudi Arabia while they pass the Patriot Act which is designed to dismantle the Constitution & Bill of Rights to arrest Americans without a warrant, refuse them an attorney, and lock them away without telling their families even where they are. Americans have been told a lie that Sadaam is the greatest threat to America but the “perceived realities of the world is usually not connected to the real truth.” America has never been is such a vulnerable position and if Americans do not wake up, they may end up being rounded up in the middle of the night by jack-booted thugs. No, this is not Nazi Germany in 1936 but rather this is the USA and in 2004. It is time to wake up before it is too late.