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Isn't Skull and Bones...
Blue Stone Views: 898
Published: 21 y
This is a reply to # 552,792

Isn't Skull and Bones...

...just a nice name for some good ol Christian boys FUN club?

Well you know it's just one special Christian sect that worships flaming stone idols and such.


But Bush, Kerry and many other war mongering globalists have come from this particular *satan approved* boy's club. Hmmmmmm, interesting!

I have noticed this issue divides many Christians. Some take the apologetic approach and say, "that was then and this is now". "Bush may have been a "devil" worshiper in his early life but has since repented under our beloved (Freemason) Billy Graham". Others say he is a wolf in sheeps clothing. (bad costume though, one would have to be rather intoxicated to see it as an effective disguise).

I would suggest that people do a little bit of googling on this matter, where you will find both Kerry's transcripts from interviews, as well as Bush's, both admitting their affiliation with this globalist cult.

Remember, claiming to be a Christian can be very different from being one. Along with Bush's affiliation with Skull and Bones, how have his war mongering actions(atrocities) (for oil interests), added up in a Christian light?


...just a nice name for some good ol Christian boys FUN club?

Well you know it's just one of them special Christian sects that worships flaming stone idols and such. There are sooo many *unusual* Christian sects these days, it's hard to keep track.


But Bush, Kerry and many other war mongering globalists have come form *this* particular satan approved boy's club. Hmmmmmm, interesting!

I have noticed this issue divides many Christians. Some take the apologetic approach and say, "that was then and this is now". "Bush may have been a "devil" worhiper in his early life but has since repented under our beloved Freemason Billy Graham". Others say he is a wolf in sheeps clothing. (bad costume too, one would have to be rather intoxicated to see it as an effective disguise). *giggle*


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