Re: No you DON'T understand. Not by an long shot.
Twelve hours after the FOX News Channel aired its first in a series
of reports on how the United Nations scandal-plagued oil-for-food
program sent billions of dollars into Saddam's pockets via such
countries as France, Russia and China (all of whom opposed sending
troops into Iraq because they did not want to lose the billions of
illegal dollars they were making on the oil-for-food deals), John
Kerry said that if he is elected, he will reward those countries
with Iraqi oil contracts if they would assist in redeveloping Iraq.
Yes folks, John Kerry, who met secretly with the enemy as an officer
in the U.S. Navy Reserve during the Vietnam War, and who said it was
proper for the communists to continue to hold Americans prisoner of
war in the torture chambers of Hanoi's Hoa Lo Prison, says that an
important part of the solution to the Iraqi
Terrorism problem is to
heap huge piles of Iraqi oil money onto the governments that secretly
helped keep Saddam in power after the Gulf War, even if millions of
those illegal dollars were used by Saddam to kill American troops.
Kerry has even been honored by the communist government of Vietnam
for assisting them in winning the war. He is a hero to who were then
called the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese Army. His photo and bio
hang in a communist war museum in Ho Chi Minh City.
In a speech at New York University, Kerry, who voted against the
vast majority of weapons systems and equipment we are using in the
war on terror, also said that a "great national debate" and "global
dialogue" were the answer to terrorism, and that killing terrorists
in Iraq has made us less secure and weaker as a nation. In his speech,
the candidate went on to say that, despite his vote to remove Saddam
from power, and despite his earlier calling for Saddam's removal
since the 1990s when, according to Kerry, the dictator was hiding
weapons of mass destruction, dethroning the butcher of Baghdad
was not a reason to go to war. However, in keeping with his failed
policy of having at least two opinions on every subject, Kerry said
elsewhere in the speech that Congress was right to vote for war.
And when it comes to fighting the war on terror outside of Iraq,
Kerry said he would have concentrated on capturing Osama bin
Laden. But again, Kerry voted time and again, against funding the
Department of Defense so it could purchase the very aircraft, weapons
and equipment currently being used so effectively in killing and
capturing terrorists.
Kerry implied that the United Nations should be used to deal with
the emerging nuclear danger of Iran, but refused to provide any
evidence whatsoever that the thoroughly corrupt U.N. could (1) be
trusted to do so and (2) has the demonstrated capability, desire and
will to do so.
The billionaire candidate said the war in Iraq doesn't add up to
a pretty picture. Kerry did not elaborate on which wars our nation
has fought that did add up to a pretty picture.
Finally, in the vitriolic speech before what appeared to be an
entirely leftist crowd, Kerry also said Judgment is what we
look for in a president. Note Mr. Kerry did not say good judgment.
Just judgment. Given Kerry's extremely well-documented record of
demonstrating remarkably poor judgment as outlined above,perhaps
this omission was a Freudian slip.
The terrorists, corrupt governments of the world and United Nations
already know all about Kerry's record, which is why they will
rejoice if he is elected on November 2 nd.