The Condi Rice Rocky Horror Picture Show
Today, I watched (ad-nauseam) real-time and then, infinite replays of the Condi Rice Rocky Horror Picture Show. Other then getting attention-starved wanna’ be politicos face time, what is the utility of these types of hearing’s? Where I live, we always say, “Never get caught between a mama bear and her cubs.” In the East they say, “Never get caught between a politician and a live TV camera!”
Is the American public so out-of-touch that it believes “anything “ of substance ever gets disclosed during these hearings? Dr. Rice spent four hours giving classified testimony to the same grandstanding committee just a few weeks ago. Which of the hearings do “you” think were pertinent to the defense of the U.S.?
I repeat…can someone tell me why we waste all of this time? Rice, without a doubt, was prepped for days prior to her appearance. Questions and answers of any significance had already been classified. The bipartisan committee “did” confirm that there ”is” honor among thieves. The whole dog and pony show reminded me of a snowball fight utilizing marshmallows as weapons.
Granted, classified information should only be accessed on a “need to know” basis. But, is there anything phonier than these public hearings?