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Re: Birdlady
thebirdlady Views: 5,078
Published: 20 y
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Re: Birdlady

CLEAN THE COLON FIRST.. and that can take months for some of us.
I suggest you stick to the P&B shakes for now, keep cleaning out your colon. You should be able to tell if you are still passing plaque etc. Remember the "magnetic" quality of these elements varies. Some things are magnets for metals, others are magnets for other toxins. Just like the array of herbs we use to absorb specific toxins or affect specific reactions varies.

Later you might consider a metal cleanse (similar to what I am doing or follow a different formula). I'm following Dr. Mercola on metals and doing the high doses of Chlorella several times a day for months. I'm eating cilantro frequently and drinking 16 oz of Kombucha tea daily. I ferment my own Kombuncha, so it is very affordable.
I continue my Dr. Schulze formula 1 every night. I also drink allot of home made distilled water daily.

If you are having dental work done, hopefully by a biologic dentist, they will give you their recommended metal detox protocols. There are several other metal magnets and herbal approaches. I just happen to love my chlorella and kombucha.

I think PandB is awesome and isn't it wonderful that it is so affordable too?
Happy Cleansing,


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