I am doing a metal detox too. See http://www.mercola.com and do a search on chlorella (and cilantro) to get lots of good information on what kind of chlorella to buy...it needs to be Yaeyama chlorella.
I bought a HUGE container of the powder from Jarrow (would use Sun Chlorella if I could afford it). But I can't. Source Naturals also makes a chlorella from Yaeyama.
DO NOT buy the other kinds of chlorella....they can be full of toxins.
Growing chlorella has the same issues that spirulina does...so we need to be careful about which brands we buy.
Good luck on the metals. I am also drinking Kombucha tea daily which helps metals become water soluable and leave the body via urine. I'm on the end of my second month.
I also started donating my blood every 2 months. I get rid of excess irons and other metals plus they really need blood right now with the Katrina crisis.