Re: Gestational Diabetes-Please - careful!!
This is a link to Michael Moore's Herbal Contraindications. It is a very conservative view of which herbs may be best avoided at certain times. There is a section on pregnancy. Moore is much more qualified than most pharmacist at identifying potential contraindications of the use of herbs. At a quick glance, the herbs in
Dr. Schulze 's formulae that Michael Moore identified as potentially contraindicated in pregnancy are the cathartic herbs such as senna, cape aloe, and cascara sagrada; chaparral (in the D-Tox and L/GB Formula); and Juniper (in the K/B Formula, Detox Tea and K/B Tea).
Both Schulze and Christopher spoke of the use of these herbs in pregnancy. They recommended it was better to cleanse than to stay toxic. Even though many of their clients used these herbs during pregnancy, they taught that the never ever had any problems.
Some pharmacists are well versed in herbs, but many if not most are not. If you need help beyond what Michael Moore's document shows, seek a competent pharmacist or a competent herbalist for guidance.
Both Dr. Christopher and Schulze taught that when using herbs, only what the baby needs or can use appropriately will cross the placenta. Michael Moore's document is much more conservative.
One of the things that Dr. Christopher and
Dr. Schulze have taught is that once you start providing insulin via external sources, your pancreas begins to shut down the production of insulin. So while the insulin may not hurt the baby per se, it may be messing with the functionality of your own organs. Be careful. Taking insulin is not as trivial as it may seem to some.
I concur on the sleep. Take advantage of the opportunity to sleep and relax now. A new baby will deprive you of those, but will fill your life with wonderment and love.