Re: please tell mehow you did that deadeye
I believe she got the candles in a health, herb, store. They were I think $2.00 ea candle. I know she also purchased them from a chain store like GNC. She got a pretty little kit - 2 candles for $10.00. You don't need the pretty little kit.
The candles look like tubes rather than candles.
You will need a throw-away tin cake pan, 8-10" is fine. Poke a hole, off center, large enough for the candle.
Mark the candle 4" from the end you stick in your ear with a marker. (it is obvious which end goes in the ear)
Lay your head down sidways with the ear facing up. (We put a towel around the ear leaving the ear expossed.)Stick the little end of the candle in your ear and light the other end.
Once burning, after 1-1/2 - 2" of ash cut the candle approx leaving 1/4
inch burnt ash remaining. The ash falls into the cake pan.
When the candle burns to your 4" mark simple remove the candle from you ear, slide the candle through the cake pan and dip the burning end into a class of water.
Grab some tooth pics and scrape the inside of the candle to see all your funky, icky, shocking ear wax.
I held the candle in my ear wanting an almost tight fit. This ear I got A LOT of wax. (I sort-of heard the ocean as you would with sea shells.) The other ear I think I may have held it too tight, or close, or hard, the wax was not as impressive and it 'crawled' up the candle more. Which I think burnt up as I did smell something like burnt marshmellows.
The directions say 2-4 candles per ear per session may be required. And you could do this as often as needed or 3 times a year.
I'm doing it again this Sunday.