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No biopsy--cancer blood test
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Published: 22 y
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No biopsy--cancer blood test

With helping my Dad with prostate cancer over the past six months, I came to understand that there is a test that is just barely becoming known called the AMAS test. Most doctors don't know about it yet. It detects whether or not there is cancer in the body, but cannot tell you where the cancer exists. Since cancer is a systemic disease with a local manifestation, the treatment of all cancers are more similar than not. The Incurables Program is the answer to cancer, possibly adding herbs like chaparral, red clover, or poke root in addition to the normal program.

My understanding is that the incidence of false positives with the AMAS tesst, with two separate screenings if far less than 1%. If I suspected cancer, rather than submit to biopsy, I would do the AMAS test first and maybe totally in place of a biopsy.

The website gives you information so that you can understand it and also gives you information that would be useful for your doctor to become educated on the process and why it works. It also gives you forms to request a kit, but you need to go to a doctor or nurse practitioner to have your blood drawn and have the test submitted. If I recall correctly, the cost of the test is $130, but there is a possibility that your insurance may cover it. Please consider this before submitting yourself to a biospy.

Information on the AMAS cancer test.



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