I look forward to hearing your results tomorrow. Today I ate a granny smith apple and some steamed cabbage with sauerkraut. I also had a cup of miso soup. I took lots of malic acid. I was hoping to fast, but have been very worn out and so I didn't want to put too much stress on my body. I hope that the flush is successful nonetheless.
Just out of curiosity, what are the attributes of other days of the week according to the Mayan calendar? Have you found the attributes to be realistic? Also, why is the full moon a good time for cleansing? I know that the new moon signifies cleansing, so I can see how that would relate. This is all very interesting to me and it sounds like you know a lot about astrology. What are your thoughts about zodiac signs (I'm a scorpio)? Don't feel like you need to answer all of these questions, I'm just curious.
Good luck with your flush tonight! I am dreading the Epsom Salts . Any suggestions? Thanks so much.