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Thanks, garcia, and all
whereisdeborah Views: 1,539
Published: 21 y
This is a reply to # 540,087

Thanks, garcia, and all

Yes, I think I'm starting to join the group that doesn't hold much with anti-fungals. I just don't seem to tolerate them well, and I'm not sure they help me. I DO eat fresh garlic, but not every day. Will incorporate that.

Will also eliminate wheat. That's hard in this wheat-based culture, but I guess it can be done.

On the fence about the yoghurt, because I buy an organic kind with live cultures, but heck, maybe I'll give it up for a month or so and see how it goes.

Actually, I am already doing a lot of the things you are suggesting: I take hot Epsom Salt baths a couple times per week, and I've done two Liver Flushes in the last month (with plans to continue in that direction, plus kidney flushes and maybe parastite elimination thing). Besides including colon cleansing, I don't know what else I can do. Will experiment with that and tightening up on the diet. I have no symptoms of 'low HCL' so I doubt that's something I'm dealing with. Think my main problem is lower in the intestines.

Thanks for your advice.


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