Well since i'm cured my first responce is you cant kill the problem without feeling the die off effects. This is common knowledge. You can change your diet to evade any symptoms but this will not do anything to make you better. If you find something that cause you to get head fatigue and or rashes or any reactions that are not solely food reaction related then you are on the right coarse. Increase to dosage to kill the problem. Indure the effects of the healing process because you cant kill something in your body without creating toxins that you need to excreat out thru the normal body proceses. Remember you will get die off reaction by killing the problem as you will get die off reactions by feeding the issue. All things that live have to excrete after eating. Belive it or not these little buggers are taking a dump in your system. One thing to remember is for people that do not have candida when they have problems like not being regular. to go 4 days without a movement is life threatening if its not cured real quick. You creates toxins that can devastate your system and land you in the hospital real quick. Alot of people think they can get cured of candida with a quick nonintrusive remedy. I have not seen this happen anywheres. All I see is people that feel die off reations run rather than increase the dosage to win the battle. We all know th line NO pain no Gain. Well I belive that applies here.