I was wondering if someone here (someone who has cured themselve of Candidiasis- hint hint.. Shelleycat?? heh) can do me a favor. After you eat your main meal, wait two hours. Take a PH reading of your saliva and urine. My ND told me this is the proper way to determine the state of your digestion and PH. I am still too alkaline (close to dark purple). I talked to my ND again and he said my digestion is still off which could again relapse into candida if I miss HCL treatment or reduce it.
I still believe my paratel cells were damaged from the excessive vommitting I did when I was on Antibiotics . Proper HCL production show return upon healing from Candida and restoring proper PH and Acidopholus cultures..
Either way, if someone could do this for me it would be appreciated... Thanks,