Hello Redhead,
My son is almost 3 and he had been on a lot of Antibiotics for ear infections at that same age. He did get tubes put in,which for us was a good thing because he only had 1 ear infection after. If they get an ear infection with tubes in, they can use ear drop Antibiotics instead of oral which doesn't go through your whole system. I would suggest if she needs an Antibiotic then to give her acidophilus with it. Also my son has a speech delay which I think is from the candida so I gave him three lac for 6 months and he is starting to have better bm's and starting to say words! Now I am not sure what I am going to do but probably start him on a different probiotic for maintenance. I think your daughter needs a probiotic now to help heal her intestines from the damage of the Antibiotics . Also if you can see a naturopath for further help if needed. Good Luck!