Re: How early can I tell if I am pregnant
Hi Princessjade!
And maybe congradulations! It's possible that the spotting you experienced was from a fertilized egg attatching to the uterine wall.
I saw a TV ad for "First Response" pregnancy test that can supposedly tell you before your missed period-- I think it said within 3 or 5 days of conception.
If you find out you're not pregnant and looking for an alternative birth control method I reccommend Natural Family Planning. I use the mucous method. It has an extremly high success rate if you learn to do it correctly, it is supposed to be 100% effective.
If you are pregnant there is a fabulous site chock ful of info on natural healthcare, how to select a doctor, doula, mifewife, or whatever you want, and what to ask them. That site is just go straight to the discussion forum.
Best Wishes and let us know what happens!