Hi Garcia! The filtered tap water I usually drink is out of the PUR jug. So yes, the cheap kind. On the box it says it filters out pretty much everything except "beneficial" flouride! Yeah, I think beneficial isn't quite the word I would use. The water here in Mississippi is so loaded with Chlorine it isn't even funny. My hubby just got me a foot bath for Christmas and when I turn the bubble jet on it smells like a flippin swimming pool in my room! By the way, do you think this is bad to bathe my feet in?! Maybe I should used distilled, but heck that would be a whole jug! Speaking of jugs, I buy my distilled water from Wal-mart in a plasitic jug! I would imagine this would be bad, right? The kind I like is Kentwood. I bought Ozarka and it tasted like plastic! Yuck! What do you suggest, buying a home distiller? I feel so much better when I drink distilled and I'm glad you mentioned about the minerals on whether the body really uses the non-bioavailable kind.