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Re: New here. Need more advice please!
garcia Views: 1,310
Published: 21 y
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Re: New here. Need more advice please!

I'm taking a lot of things at the moment - too many to list. But I'm not taking any antifungals per se as I think they are counterproductive whilst our bodies are so weakened.

One thing I've just started taking Primal Defense as recommended by Shelleycat ( its a probiotic full of friendly bacteria) and although its expensive it seems really good. The good thing about PD is that it contains Soil Organisms which are really hardy - they can survive normal temperatures and stomach acid.

Start taking things one at a time. E.g. just start off with a good multivit. That way your body will be able to tell what is helping and what isn't. The worst thing you can do is just start taking a heap of supplements at once without feeling what each one is doing. That won't help your health or your bank balance.

I am on a "strict-ish" diet. I drink 2 cups of tea a day which is my only extravagence. I don't believe in going overboard with an anti-candida diet - you have to respect this organism - it is much better at survival that we are, and we will starve much sooner than it does. So the aim of the diet should merely be to keep it in check. Lo carb and healthy. Candida can survive on a low-carb diet, but it can not easily thrive. I'd recommend following the dietry advice of Shelleycat which again is based on the standard anti-candida diet with a bit of fruit/veggie juicing thrown in.


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