The thing you're missing is the
Liver Flushes and repopulating your bowels with friendly flora. You can't just kill the candida, you have to replace the friendly flora, the death of which allowed the candida to get out of balance to begin with.
All of your other supplements are fine and helpful, but be sure to add something like Primal Defense to replace friendly flora, and Perfect Food to help your body maintain a proper PH balance without exhausting your reserves of minerals etc.
Candida feeds on sugars and excretes alcohol; over time, this really stresses the liver. The liver slows down, digestion is poor, candida feed of the poorly digested foods. It's a vicious cycle.
Antibiotics for yeast don't work because yeast quickly adapt and survive.
Before you go to the liver specialist and spend all that time and money, do at least 4
Liver Flushes and take the herbs and vitamins that support the liver. Then get another basic metabolic panel bloodwork done and see how the enzymes are. I'll bet ya' a hundred bucks they've gone down. I'll be getting my basic tests redone in February and I hope to see an improvement.
Be sure to take liver supporting herbs such as milk thistle, bupluerum, dandelion, chinese gentien. Take lecithin, B vitamins, MSM, all will help your liver de-fat and de-tox.