I just got the results of my yearly physical exam. I was shocked to learn that my Uric Acid and Indirect Bilirrubin were elevated. I have been on a strict candida diet for a few weeks now. I am also taking the Candida Cleanse from Gaia Herbs. Is it possible that the cleanse and diet are putting a strain on my liver and kidneys? Could this be die off? I also have discomfort in my right upper quadrant just where the liver is.
I cannot bear the water/salt flushes so to empty my bowels I am taking a herb called Cassia Angustifolia. I don’t know the name in English (I believe this is the latin name) but in Spain is sold as an effective laxative. Is this OK for candida sufferers?
I have read that that SAMe can be useful for candida sufferers, specially for detoxifying the liver and fighting depression. I have not read anything about it the website. Has anyone used it?