Well... I'm starting to think that I'm pregnant for real. I have been taking alot of supplements and am wonering if I need to slow down. I take evening primrose and B vitamins to maintain my sanity, iron because I lost 7 cups of blood at my last birth 2 years ago, probiotics and flax seed caps to help me have BM's., calcium to help me sleep at night, and sometimes I take melatonin to help me sleep as well... I'm a bit of an insomniac, which gets much, MUCH worse when I 'm pregnant. I basically don't sleep the last 4 months of it. ..but thats another topic I come to if and when it comes up. Are any of these supplement bad to take when pregant?I don't think they are, but I wantedanother opinion. I also have a weak liver which is aggrevated by pregnancy (i'm such a mess!)and I wanted to start taking dandelion as well. I feel like a junky taking so many pills, but I need all of them...or at least I feel like I do. Any suggestions?