19 y
Re: my sex addiction problem
It is possible to overcome this, although it may be hard to see that while you're enmeshed in it...but it involves some big sacrifices (at least for a little while). The biggest factors I found that aggravated this condition were idleness -not having anything else important in your life to keep yourself actively engaged; being around girls too much - which further stimulates fantasies; and watching too much tv (or internet) - passively fantasizing. If you turn off the tv, stay away from girls, and keep yourself busy with something useful you will be amazed at how much control you can develop over yourself in just a few weeks. You may have to make some difficult choices to accomplish this and avert the temptations (eg move away from your current home and the unhealthy relationships you've developed, join an all-male sports team, throw out your tv and disconnect your cable, etc). Diet is also a consideration: foods high in protein (especially meat) will make the problem worse, so try cutting back. Once you've developed a good degree of self-control, you can gradually start introducing some of the above stimulants back into your life in small doses. How long this takes will depend on how long you've lived you're current lifestyle. Old habits will die when they're replaced by healthy ones, but this may be a long time for habits that are deeply entrenched. Only after all of this, can you look at developing a healthy, meaningful relationship with a girl.
Hope that helps - I know it did for me!