Re: says previous boyfriends name during sex
Ok reality check. Is this your first girlfriend? Don't tell me the only name that ever comes to your mind is her name.
The fact is you bond to a person when you are in love with them. When that bond is broken by a dissolution of the "real" relationship, it's never GONE, it's just changed to a different nature. I.e. that of a memory, rather than a reality.
People who say they never really loved their ex are usually lying through their teeth. Maybe a convenient lie, but a lie nonetheless. The truth is they no longer love their ex in reality, but they do have memories that are really of love. The simple solution is to have real love that is just as good or better than the memory, so she doesn't feel like dwelling on it.
There's also a really good chance she said "can I" and you took it wrong. Her story sounds fine, particularly for being drunk. You shouldn't be insecure about her ex, most people have at least one of those around.