Are we steriotyping again 14327? Stupid men? Is perhaps why you are having a problem with sexual issues? Since a lot of "sex" and "orgasm" has to do with the brain(it starts there) then maybe if you were more forgiving and communicated your feelings you would get what you want and/or need. (boy is that going to get a response!)
Becca beee and a couple of others say it like it TRULY is. COMMUNICATE COMMUNICATE COMMUNICATE, haven't we been told this? That this is the key to success?-in anything. If there is no communication how is a person supposed to know what you need or want? If you say you have communicated, maybe not enough.
Hope this didn't upset anyone, but men AND women get a bad rap from each other, TALK MORE! everyone has something they're interested in, find out what your husband/wife is interested in and educate yourself, this can go a long way to making a person feel they are needed and appreciatd.