Can only speak for myself here...I enjoy sex immensly. Keep in mind that it tends to be different for women in that sex for women is mostly in their minds. If a man is abusive or cruel or uncaring in everyday life then many (not all) women will have their drive affected by this. In other words, a guy can be gorgeous and well-endowed...if he's a "pig" to her then most of the time that will have a negative effect on the sexual aspect of the relationship.
I had my first cllmax somewhere in my early teens and have never had a problem with that bit. Rarely I will not cllmax and like an above poster mentioned and it doesn't bother me either. It is s bummer, however, if I'm brought to the brink and don't make it over.
Oh yeah...and I am honest with my husband if he asks questions but I tend to be very expressive and he usually doesn't need to ask.