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Re: vagina is 5" deep????
eddie_macd Views: 2,426
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 535,259

Re: vagina is 5" deep????

Yep, that's the general rule. Obviously the walls stretch and the size increases a bit when aroused. From experience, I've touched the rear of the vagina with just my fingers and most women have said that it hurts if I go too deep (not me braging by the way I'm of average length). The ladies seem to perfer it slow, smooth and not too deep.

Some women do like deep hard penetration and larger than 6.5 inches. Just as some guys like large breasts or even a finger up their butt. Sexuality is an individual matter which is far more psychologically driven than purely physical. Sadly it seems that too many get trapped by stereotypes, by comparing p 0 r n movies or just general urban myths. I've had no complaints and their are lots of ways to make love just as there are to f**k. So If you're too small or too large, you have to learn how to use it properly and most importantly, how your partner prefers it.



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