I was in the same position about 6 years ago. All my friends were getting laid all the time and raving about how fun. It is and its all over tv and the internet, and in p 0 r n. At 16 all my friends were having sex...and I wasnt. The truth of the matter is that I dont think they werent either. The more insecure the person the more likely to lie about the number of times they have been 'laid'. I am now 24 years old and I have had sex with 5 different women, because I though that was what I was supposed to do. Today I wish I hadnt slept with any of them. I wish I was still a virgin because I no longer buy all that b.s. that were being fed about sex. If I could go back to being 19, and make a different decision I would. Its your choice either way, all I want to say is dont buy into all the hype. And try not to be ashamed of being inexperianced, because I can almost guarentee the women you will have your first time with will be far less knowledgeable than you.