Re: Delicate questions
Hi there.
I would says it depends on so many things. But it is good to know that getting back to a normal sex life can take some time and that it's not the end of the world. Not knowing that can lead to postpartum if things are difficult. My first baby got into this world in a bit of a hord way. I did no peridural (I did haptonomy and wanted no medication), it was a long labour (24h) and he didn't want to come out so they got him out by forceps (is that english? it's the spoon kind of thing to pull the baby out). Artus my son was fine but IT HURT, and I was tired. We tried sex after 2 months but it hurt. It took a lot of lubrification and time and massaging and love. I also breastfed my son for 14 month and introduced new food when he was 7 mo. I would say that it took those 7 months for things to get back to normal.
BUT for my second baby, everything was fast and easy (3h labor!!! I got tohelp her out of me myself, no medication whatsoever, 1 stitch point and I was walking around allover a couple of hours after). We had sex 3 weeks after and it was close to normal! Eventhough she is 6 months now and I'm still fully breatfeeding.
So the best is to know everything is possible and is not that terrible when you think of the joy of having those babies!
Plenty of good things!