The average erect penis length is 5.5 to 6.5 inches, and the average
circumference is 4.5 to 5 inches.
Here are the
statistics on erect penis lengths for white college men, in quarter-inch lengths
measured by The Alfred C. Kinsey Institute for Sex Research (from the point
where the penis meets the body along the top to its tip):
So the average penis length is 6.16 inches (The
Alfred C. Kinsey Institute)
The average girth is 4.84 inches.
More recent studies have produced the following results:
A sample of 60 men studied by researchers at the University of California at
San Francisco determined that the average size of their erect penises was 5.1
inches long and 4.9 inches in girth. A Brazilian urologist who measured 150 men
reported that the average size of their erections was 5.7 inches long and 4.7
inches in girth.