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Re: the facials (since the thread has gone a whoel differetn way)
Wrenn Views: 2,153
Published: 21 y
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Re: the facials (since the thread has gone a whoel differetn way)

i have no clue. i never ofund it a problem ...
unfortuenley iahd a sex less marriage pretty much/ bu ti was unawrre then tha ti s was a fake setup as a joke for mt he start.. and ha dnever really en intende dto last as logn as it did..
my ex only had sex with me hwne i asked and then it wa sonly cua sei wanted kids.. yet i remaine dfaith ful for about 12-13 years..caus ei felt it was my vow and i had every thign else iwaasnted, mygarden (what i sthogut was a saf ehome) my kids my martials aarts/etc.. i was veyr (ignorantly happy) my ex was not a drunk or drugs or anythign liek that.. he never hit me..
the only reason i divorced was when i foudn outthe marraige had been a fake / a big joke/ and evyeron eaaroudn me was in on it.. ah dknwon about it and had laughe dat me for allthsoe years behidn my back sicne day one.. my everythign was filme dwithout myknowldege and apparent ely shared with a group a people that i thogut were friends to me but were relaly just a group of juveniel adults .. i was liek teh prize wina t teh brign your own geek tothe party game 8)
it devastate dme.. when i saw tha tmy marriage had been a sham, i then felt free to divorce cause there had never been a true vow to start with. it isliek aske ign a judge to amke soem oen pay a prostite *) that they didn' tpay lol ! can't do it it wasillegal to strt with.. that i sho wi felt... if the vow wasn't evne true then, it wasn't me breakign one.. here was noe legal agreemtn to begin with *)
that is a whoel differnnnn t topic itnkow..
concernign the other issue tho... it is liek a nudis t beach , i will go to a nudist beach but i woudl nto get up and dance toples sin a bar... there is a diff of perssetvie liek nudes for atrs ake fo rthe beauty o fhte human body vereus it beign seenas soel ly athing of lust and manipulation..
teh sam ei woudl feel about oral sex... if i t was with soeme oen i loved/ tehn it woudle vne be a turn on to me to see me be able to give them funa d pleasure..
but if seen as a degradign thing/ liek youbeign /feelignyou HAVE to evne if you don't want to to... tehn it woudlbe disgustful to me..
i think youuinder stan dthat...
her eis a difference between being and sharign lovign ly / and feelign liek some oens/ jstu her eto b eused whore 8)
i stillthikn bascially taht the human body is jstu all oen big skin nayhow and why be sole y genitalminded? when every inchof skin tah tcvers our bodies is an erogenous zoen anyhow 8)i do not under stan d myself whay other woemn have a problem with seeignteh huamn body liek tat..
maybe tha twaas the outcoem of my life livign so close to teh woodstock era.. love, life beauty in the thign a of anture and felo whuamns was a ll apr tof that 8)


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