I never said STAY with first person. lol !!!
i was jstu saying fromt he start concernign the size issue..
whatyouare talkign aobut is a whiel other ballgame tha ti most certainly was not even talking on at all !!
of course .. i NEVER said stay lol !!
and i compeltely agree i fyouahvea bad relationship GET OUT
i don'tthinkt here is anything commerative about beign a door amt or a martyr for a *illusion* of what real life
shoutld be vs wah tit really is..
iwas jsut sayign form teh start/a girl woudl nto have to compare which is bette ris she alreayd was a virgin abviously a smallotr large man.. she would no mater what
strtech to fit jstu that guy.
the thign is/ many women are nto awaare of the fac ttah tafte r havign kids vagianlly o r engagine in sex with larger guys.. they then say a guy is too small fo rthem...
alot of that coudl be returned back to a samller entrance by good kegale exercises and by ceasign ahvign sex for a whiel and letting it shrinkback to a more normal size..
lack of muscular control n that area can paly a larg e par t of it alos/ a girl with weak vagianl muscles woudl be better able to ahndle a larger aman caus e she is naturally looser ... a girl wih t stong tight muscle control
would b emor eapt to adapt to an average or samller size man.