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Parasites are running wild...
Deadeye Views: 3,177
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Parasites are running wild...

This is from my notes. I expressed I would post the progress. It is still early but if this is not helpful or useful please let me know.

I do not have an ozonater yet. I will order that Monday from Dr.Clarks Research Assoc tomorrow. I hope to have it Tuesday for I am going to start what I planned monday - two days behind schedule - drats. I do have other questions and replies for those that have responded to me but it is late... As always thank you for your assistance and support.

parasite -
1/4 tsp Walnut in 1/2 cup water
2 wormroot
2 cloves

kidney cleanse -
Soaked the roots

Zapper -
twice - consumed with research and my day went by in a minute.

Other - 2 ornithine 1/2 hr before bed

Remarks -
Recieved herbs, Orgainized the herb programs, Have almost everything, Need to get Olive Oil, Ozonater, Parsley.
I figure since I dont have the mop-up program and want to start I would start with this for the week end.

Diet -
For breakfast -
For lunch -
For dinner -
Other -

Feeling - Excited to get started

12:29 AM 12/7/2003
parasite -
2 Wormwood
2 cloves
1/4 tsp walnut in 1/2 cup water

kidney cleanse -
Made my Kidney Cleanse. The directions call for 4 bundles of parsley. Ok? My cooking involves ording from a menu. 4 bundles is alot of parsley for boiling with 2 pints of water. Maybe I should have cut off the stems? So I filled the pot and boiled it. The water color after boiling is yellow. (it looks like urine) I hope it is as strong as the desired result should be. Making the root drink was a laugh too. The roots soaked for 24 hours, I hope that is alright. Ohwell, I'll do better next time. For the next time it may be easier to break up the directions into two pots 50% each pot. Or just prepare half the amount. The Wistler water pot worked better than a pot for controlling the pour. I'll go get two more. It is too late to start today and I also want to start with a bang but need an ozonater.

Zapper - Zero - I was away all day or cooking. Can already see how this could be a problem. Will look into building a smaller zapper with a timer and wrist wraps so I can wear it.

Other -
1 arginine
3 ornithine

Remarks -
Slept like a rock! I woke up at 8:30 and almost jumped out of bed. I did not have the wake up soreness or the tired wake up blues. Shoveled the side walks. Though I am a little taxed from it I am not as exhausted as I thought I would be. I am chalking this up to a good nights sleep. Long day...Christmas shopping and supplies... I picked up a new tooth brush, baking soda, olive oil, a water purifier, natural brown Sugar and Dr. Clarks book 'The Cure for All Advanced Cancers'. I still need an ozonater, vitamine c powder and I may still replace olive oil with ultimate oil.

Diet -
For breakfast -
For lunch - I ate soup and a chefs salad with vinager and oil dressing with 40 oz of water.
For dinner -
Other - 40oz of water. Soft pretzel. (Diet needs attnetion)

Feeling -
I felt good today. Last nights sleep was awesome. My bowels had a little presure today but only slightly noticable. I think it is from the walnut. I get burpy after drinking it.



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