Re: Desperate for affection what can I do?
Oops, the above post went too quickly..
Some years ago I, too, used to have this desparate feeling for affection, can be quite frustrating indeed when one is not in a relationship and also does not want to act out of desparation.
The answer for me was not to depend on the outside so much but fill my inside spiritually, or better, to get in touch with my core being, the loving, divine, peaceful space inside. This can be accomplished in various ways, see what works for you... I do meditation and also different visualization exercises daily. One of them is with each inhalation imagining a golden stream coming from above through my head into my heart, filling my heart space. With each exhalation I imagine this golden energy permeating my body, and extending beyond my physical body , filling the energy space around me. Some days I use the healing colour green. For a while I worked with spiritually upliftng chants, such as " See me, Feel me , Touch me, Heal me" while using visualixation with the chant.
Experiment, see what you like.
Wishing you can get in tough with your sense of inner completeness.