I have been using Microhydrin for about 2 years off and on. It is the strongest anti-oxidant out there for destroying free radicals. I no longer use deodorant and it has gotten rid of all
Body Odor s and should be helpful to you. You will need to search the web to find a distributor for this product.
It is also called "Active-H" under a new company, and the formulator has the original version of this product named "Megahydrin" which is the least expensive version, but it still works great. Again, do a web search.
When I started taking it, I thought I smelled like nicotine(I am a smoker), but no one else seemed to smell it on me, and then I realized that the odor was just in my nostrils, because the product was getting rid of free radicals and probably the pores in my nose were an easy route. I still smoke (oh the shame!), but all odors are gone.
I do not sell this product, but it is one I could not live without. It has helped me in many areas of my health.