Ok, let me just state this for the record. I am sure that this gentleman appreciates all responses he gets, but lets not get crazy here. I think unless you are either a gynolcologist or a woman, do you really understand the properties of a "love machine" as you so graciously called it.
Regardless of how much or how little you have had any kind of intercourse does not necissarily pertain how "loose" you are. I also agree that it just depends on the woman and how she is had been made. I am a woman, obviously, and when I have relation's with someone - now keep in mind, I am speaking from experience - it for me depends on how comfortable with someone on how "loose" I am. Some women also have very good control on that subject as well. Just because she is not how you had imagined, does not mean she's been around the block.
I just wanted to state my opinion on this one after reading #8179's comments. Thanks!