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Just Curious
  Views: 6,113
Published: 22 y

Just Curious

I'm new to a whole lot in dealing with sex. I have always tried to gain knowledge, rather than to assume.

I was really curious about this:
I fell in love with a girl and have been seeing her for a couple of months now. I am a virgin to intercourse, which I guess doesn't technically make me one, but anyways.

We have messed around a few times, and I really want to keep it simple until we both develope strong feelings for each other. She told me that she was a virgin too and I believed her, but was confused when we first messed around. She was, it embarasses me to say but, looser than I had imagined. I could be so used to seeing the qoute "Perfect supermodels" on tv and online that real life isn't always that way. I'm sure that she might see somthing imperfect in me too! but... Anyways, the first time I fingered her I just used one finger and tried to be very gentle with her, because I know it's a sensitive place. She tells me I can use more, well me being a guy it turned into the whole "well lets see what all can go up in there. :) I got 3 fingers... Oh and visibly it looks kinda looser.

I'm really embarassed to have even asked, but I didn't want to be misunderstanding or overreacting, or well... you get the point. I want to have faith that what she has told me is true. I guess I still have a little bit of doubt.

So is it possible that it's normal or has she been with someone.

Thanks for you help.



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