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Re: My dentist says my fillings are too deep to be removed...
Carly13 Views: 1,780
Published: 22 y
This is a reply to # 529,103

Re: My dentist says my fillings are too deep to be removed...

Are you having your mercury fillings safely removed by a dentist who knows about safe mercury removal, such as the Huggins protocol. If he does, you may be able to remove deep fillings without the possiblilty of damaging the nerve and winding up needing the root canal, or possibly the tooth can crack because it is weak. If your dentist is not aware of safe removal, I would leave those fillings alone and go to someone who does. The release of mercury will make you more ill and you will need root canals which in itself are not recommended. I have two root canals which would become extractions and then I would need a partial. So I am stuck with the root canals for now, because I just can't imagine the idea of having to live with a partial right now. I had one large filled tooth crack and had to be extracted.

Go to for more info on safe mercury removal and practitioners. Good Luck.



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