Gulf War Syndrome/Mycoplasm?
Silver Colloid might help if there is a systemic Candida infestation. See the
Colloidal Silver Forum for help. Candida makes a toxic chemical, Acetaldehyde, that eats tissue and causes brain fog and MS-like symptoms. Acetaldehyde is neutralized only with Pantethine and, of course, removing the overgrowth. Get Pantethine immediately to stop any tissue damage. One can use Caprylic Acid to whack back the Candida. Don't forget to take Biotin to stop proliferation of Candida.
The wife of the founder of State of the Art Instruments, Inc was suffering with a mysterious malady that shattered her life. Her husband experimented with Bob Beck's electrical blood cleaning (Dr. Bob Beck Forum) and she was cured. He went on to form SOTA, and was highly respected by Beck for the quality of his work. This is a great way to wipe out unknown pathogens.
With Lyme or with Gulf War Syndrome, Doxycycline (double course) is advised to get the pathogens, with perhaps a COQ10 therapy for wiping out the microfilarial worms seen at:
Here's an abstract from the Gulf War Vets website with thanks to Drs. Garth and Nancy Nicolson and Nurse Joyce Riley:
Mycoplasmal Infections in Chronic Illnesses:
Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndromes,
Gulf War Illness, HIV-AIDS and
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Garth L. Nicolson, PhD, Marwan Y. Nasralla, PhD, Joerg Haier, MD, PhD,
Robert Erwin, MD, Nancy L. Nicolson, PhD, Richard Ngwenya, MD
ABSTRACT Invasive bacterial infections are associated with several acute and chronic illnesses, including: aerodigestive diseases such as Asthma, Pneumonia, Inflammatory Bowel Diseases; rheumatoid diseases, such as
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA); immunosuppression diseases such as HIV-AIDS; genitourinary infections and chronic fatigue illnesses such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS) and Gulf War Illnesses (GWI). It is now apparent that such infections could be (a) causative, (b) cofactors or (c) opportunistic agents in a variety of chronic illnesses. Using Forensic Polymerase Chain Reaction we have looked for the presence of one class of invasive infection (mycoplasmal infections) inside blood leukocyte samples from patients with
Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis), FMS, RA, and GWI. There was a significant difference between symptomatic CFS, FMS, GWI, and
RA patients with positive mycoplasmal infections of any species (45-63%) and healthy positive controls (~9%) (P<0.001). This difference was even greater when specific species (M. fermentans, M. hominis, M. penetrans, M. pneumoniae) were detected. Except for GWI, most patients had multiple mycoplasmal infections (more than one species of mycoplasma). Patients with different diagnoses but overlapping signs and symptoms often have mycoplasmal infections, and such mycoplasma-positive patients generally respond to multiple cycles of particular
Antibiotics (doxycycline, minocycline, ciprofloxacin, azithromycin, and clarithromycin). Multiple cycles of these
Antibiotics plus nutritional support appear to be necessary for successful treatment. In addition, immune enhancement and other supplements appear to help these patients regain their health. Other chronic infections may also be involved to various degrees with or without mycoplasmal infections in causing patient morbidity in various chronic illnesses.