Does this sound like lyme?
Well, I'll start from the beginning. Two years ago I was with a guy, and about 2 weeks later I started getting strange symptoms. I thought immediately that I was either pregnant or had an STD. I got tested for EVERYTHING, and all was negative. I had flu like symptoms, was achey, lost about 15 lbs, was getting dizzy spells almost every day. All but the dizziness went away after about 2 weeks. I had the dizziness for another year or so, and then I started having vibrating like feelings in my hands and feet, brain fog that made me feel SO out of it, short term memory loss, heart palpitations. I had an MRI which showed two lesions but the radiologist said they were nonspecific and could have been there since birth. I CANNOT GET AN ANSWER FROM A DOCTOR!!! I've had tons of blood work done (CBC, B12, ANA, TSH, T3, T4, Cortisol, Testosterone, Prolactin) - all was normal and/or negative. I'm convinced I have MS or some other neurological disease which I know can mimic Lyme.
What do youguys think? I can't deal with this anymore I feel so out of it and all I want to do is sleep all the time!