Thanks to all of you for your comments. I am currently doing the parasite cleanse at maximum strength due to my weight. I am also doing The Master Cleanse (lemonade diet) and using the psyllium and liquid Bentonite drinks for a bowel cleanse. I am using Smooth Move tea (as part of the MC), so my bowels are liquid, 3 times/day. I am just assuming that something is moving out; I just can't see it. The Paragone program is 35 days (15 days on, 5 off, and 15 days on...) I will complete the program, and also do it again in February along with my next Master Cleanse.
I have lost 16 pounds in 9 days so far. I am shooting for 20-25 pounds over the 30 days. I will be finishing off with a Liver Flush after 2 days on organic fresh pressed apple juice. I hope to make this a transition to the raw food diet, and to get my body alkaline; I've heard this will also help clear the body of parasites.