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Re: suggestions based on personal experience

Epsom Salt Capsules
Hulda Clark Liver Cleanse

Epsom Salt Capsules
Hulda Clark Liver Cleanse

Anja Views: 4,208
Published: 22 y
This is a reply to # 526,475

Re: suggestions based on personal experience

I agree with Megan. I read the first couple of responses to your initial post, and they did read a bit harsh, I'm not sure if that was the intent. (Sometimes what might be looked at as playful joke in conversation can come across totally different in a letter minus voice inflection and eye contact.) This concept of liver/gallbladder flushing is a big leap for a lot of people and can be really scary at first. I've been doing all kinds of "alternative" health stuff for a long time, and even I was afraid to do this flush the first time - I read all over this forum for over a year before I had the courage to try it. I had already done a fair amount of bowel cleansing and parasite cleansing, first, though, and I have been on a pretty healthy Diet for quite a few years, so despite still battling candida, my toxic load was probably not as bad as some folks. I had a freaky episode on my last flush where I got very queasy to the point that I had the cold sweats and thought I was going to pass out for about 10 minutes, but that was right before a huge "cleanout" - tons of stones all at once. That was flush #3. A little scary at the time, but the results were worth it, and I'm going for #4 next weekend. I also do the Hulda method with no more than 1/2 cup of oil. I just do malic acid and phosphoric acid a few days before the flush, which helps to soften stones and pretty much gives me the runs so I'm cleaned out beforehand. I had less overall nausea this last time - couple of suggestions - I rubbed a high quality, strong, essential oil of peppermint under my nose and on my temples before I went to bed. I also drank a little apple juice throughout the evening to keep my blood Sugar up. Someone else suggested those Emergen-C packets mixed in water, and I had little of that, too, which I think was also useful against dehydration and nausea. I used grapefruit juice instead of water with the Epsom Salts , and I also topped off the olive oil/GF drink with lemon juice. I'm not sure, but I think the high acidity in the lemon helped it move through my stomach faster. This time I'm using a different olive oil - I used a stronger tasting, natural, unfiltered one the last few times. I just bought some Paul Newman brand olive oil - it's still organic and extra virgin, but smells and tastes lighter than the Eden brand I used before, and I think that might help. Lastly, it's a little bit of mind over matter during the night. I have been nauseous with the oil numerous times, but just tried to breathe through it, relax my diaphragm, and not get freaked out. Everybody has a different way of getting through the rough spots. Please don't give up. You need your gallbladder, and the body really gravitates naturally toward health if you give it the right support. It might be that some people are just "too far gone," but do you believe that's the point you're at? Only you can be the judge, but personally I have little faith in the modern medical paradigm, the more I learn. The way back to health is a process. Good luck on your journey!


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